Friday, September 26, 2008

Sidekick LX

Sidekick LX Federo
Object Observation
Maureen Federo

KALAMAZOO, Mich.--The Sidekick LX is a cell phone that has functions and has a style to it. T-mobile is the only service provider for it. This cell phone is brown and has a shape of a rectangle. It is known for its screen, which flips upwards to the left. Once the screen is flipped, there is a keyboard that allows you to type letters and numbers, just like a computer.

The LX has a speaker on the left side of the phone, and a microphone on the right side. There are two buttons also on the right side, one end button to end calls and one call button to make calls. In the middle of the two buttons, there is a trackball used for navigation and scrolling. It is also used to make selections by pressing it down like a button. At the bottom of the button to make calls, there is a button that is used to go back to a previous page or menu. At the top of the button that is used to end calls, there is a cancel button that is used to cancel any action that is made.

On the left side of the LX, there is a button on top of the speaker that is used to see the main menu, which includes the settings, and other tools. At the bottom of the speaker, there is a button that is used to go back to the main screen, which allows to make calls, see the address book, go on the web, use text messaging, picture messaging, emails, media player, camera, organizer, calculator, games, and a download catalog. The main screen also shows what the LX is known for, which is a function named AIM, America Online Instant Messenger. It is a type of program that teenagers use for communication between friends and family members.

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