Sunday, November 30, 2008

Giant Jerk Shoots Himself

Burress Fumbles Gun and Nails Leg
By Murray Weiss and Larry Celona
November 30, 2008
This article is about NFL Giants player, Plaxico Burress, who hot himself in the leg when he was fumbling with a gun. He was taken to Cornell Medical Center at 2 a.m. His teammate Antonio Pierce dropped him off at the hospital and drove off. The police later on found out that Burress was not suppose to have a gun in New York, because he had an expired license for the gun in Florida. The police went to Burress’s house in New Jersey, in search for the gun, and to talk to Burress, but his wife Tiffany wouldn’t let them. They left and came back later on that day to find the house empty. Police say Pierce was last seen with the gun, but they do not know where Pierce is.

The article began with the lede stating four w’s. The backup followed the lede with information on how the event happened, who was with Burress at the time, and what was done.

There are only two quotes; Burress’s wife and Giants team officials. They don’t have any quotes from Burress or Pierce. Which could make this article stronger. The kicker was a complaint from the Giants team officials of Burress’s domestic disturbances.


Eddie Barclay said...

This is an amazing story, it will be interesting to see what will come of this. The headline is really what drew me in, I can't believe they ran this!

Marni said...

I love the title to this blog post, I can't tell if it's your title or the headline because the link didn't work for me. Anyway, it was interesting and sad all at once. I like your critique of it, too.

Carmenw13 said...

wow, the headline really caught my attention! very interesting.

Anonymous said...

I loved your critique of such an opinionated piece! I've found that those articles are the hardest to analyze.